"I am a 25-year-old entrepreneur and athlete. I have always been involved in sports and loved every single one I tried. I played Baseball, Football, Wrestling, weight lifting, CrossFit, Lacrosse and now MMA Fighting. Until MMA I was never satisfied, I was wondering if I should have played ball in college or tried to walk on to a pro team. MMA really gave me a goal and helped me push towards it.
I have had many high points in my life, I created a Valet business and it quickly became very successful. I met a beautiful girl, six years ago and she has supported me in every aspect of my life. I’m about to finish my degree with a Bachelor of science in General Management. I have opened another company, and will be getting my General Contractors License. There was a point in time when I thought nothing could ever phase me.
I was completely wrong, I lost everything. My business went down the drain, I decided to stop going to school, I broke my hand and I had never felt so low in my life. I couldn’t work out, I didn’t have a job and I wasn’t aspiring to do anything.
At this time someone told me that I should try MMA fighting. I went to one class, the drive and determination that everyone had, made me want to work again. It not only helped me get back into a healthier lifestyle, but it helped me with my future. I started taking classes again, opened my home improvement company and started training and lifting again. Which all led to me meeting Melih and Ashley.
Epiphany has only pressed me to become more successful. It has pushed me harder, helped me promote my fighting career and taught me how valuable a healthy lifestyle can be. Its not only a brand, it’s a bunch of people, that are working to help other people, achieve the goals that they want to see in themselves. We are sincerely here to push you be the person that you want to be, in all aspects of life."