I discovered my passion for health and fitness while studying nutrition in college. Soon after there came a point in time where I felt extremely stressed out and needed an outlet, I was also slightly over weight for my height and that’s where boxing came into play. Once I started seeing amazing results I realized how I could help a lot of people like myself find an outlet and become healthier versions of themselves. To kick my career into gear I pursued an education at The National Personal Training Institute, gaining experience in all forms of fitness. The trickiest part isn’t always the losing weight part, its “keeping it off” that's killer. Once I mastered that, I became obsessed with boxing. I took a deeper emotional hit about a year ago when I finally realized how unhappy I had been for so long, once again, even in a room full of people or in a relationship. Once I hit my absolute lowest point, I separated myself from the life I knew before. I became the main focus of my own life for the first time and I fell in love with ME. I did this by kicking it up with boxing full force, eating healthy, and surrounding myself with people who could really inspire me and drive me forward. The people I am referring to the most was my clientele base. I started almost searching for people who had medical limitations and then finding ways to exceed those limits through boxing based workouts. Every time I would wrap someone up I would see their story unravel, a woman who had lupus and months prior was laying on a hospital bed thanking her lucky stars after having a stroke, a mother who’s son was sexually assaulted and wanted to feel powerful again, a young woman who had been a victim of sex trafficking, a father who fought for his sons life every day, a man who was suffering cancer, I could go on, but you get the point. I am now getting ready to compete in the Amateurs for boxing and enjoy inspiring people each and every day. In boxing, you truly feel limitless, I am a firm believer that it can drive you out of any issues you face in life, and it drove me right out of what I would define as depression.
With that being said, my favorite quote is as follows.
“If you run the 100 yard dash with people who can't run as fast as you, yeah you'll win, hands down, you know that. But if you run with people who are much faster than you, you might come in last every single time, but your time will be better, because they're making you run all the faster. they're making you dig down just a little bit more. It doesn't matter that you won, your time is faster.”